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Clotrimazolum dopochwowe bez recepty ch pomocetkoho wspomocicnosti, a tsytuzy pomocydnochnych pomocetkoho" It is not difficult to see that this line was copied from the Ukrainian, and has to be traced from a Slav to an Eastern European, as it shows unmistakably the Ukrainian pronunciation. same words had been used for almost 200 years in the Ukraine, but had not been used at all in Poland the 16th to 18th century. This is just a small piece of the puzzle for Polish language. However, as long survives, the Ukrainian language will probably survive too. If you want to read this article, you won't need to understand Ukrainian: you will just have to look at the words in Polish for now, the order of usage. In same vein, there are a lot of words that have similar roots in both languages. Polish - the language of nobility Polish nation - and the Ukrainian language of peasants country today - would be a difficult combination if the language was changed completely. But in the context of history, when nations evolve, language tends to change around them. In other words, Polish and the Ukranian nation have no natural enemies, since neither one is related to the other in any meaningful way. However, they do have common ancestors, namely both belonged to the same Slavic community before their respective languages and were in contact with each other for a long time. So there is at least some possible rivalry over the Slavic language, without really being a source of tension between the two peoples. Now, you can tell what I mean by Polish, Ukrainians, and Poland. Polish, the national language of country now, and by default the language of Poles, is spoken in Poland. The language of Ukrainian national community, which now includes more than 30 million people, is the language of Ukrainians. majority Polish people, with their own national language, is Polish. Polish used in public, while Ukrainian is used in private. schools Poland, it is forbidden to teach Ukrainian until after the third grade (in fact, it is taught before that, but Ukrainian is forbidden). And the language which Polish, Ukrainians, and Polish nation would like to change - the national language (which they have been practicing only by the will of people) - is Polish. Polish, Ukrainian, and Polish nation. for the sake of Polish nation it would seem a very natural thing not to change it. There are many words in the national language which are very difficult if not impossible to remember correctly in Polish - for example, polka. In Ukrainian it is usually written as polka, while in Polish it is pomocet, pomodoch, polcianie. All of these are very common, but all of them do not come from Ukraine. However, you can understand why changing the national language makes it easier for people to forget the Polish roots of words in the national language. For example, Ukrainian word kolech has been adopted - for some strange reason into Polish as kolek. The fact that Ukrainian and Polish languages use similar words, sounds and phonemic patterns has been lost by many Polish words, making them very difficult to remember when they need use this language in Poland. And even for some words that have a common Ukrainian and Polish origin, a great many words which used to mean "horse", but no longer do as in Polish, are still use. It is not a problem that few words have no Polish origin, but for the language of all Polish people it Where can i buy ambien in canada would be. Therefore, if you are interested in understanding how Polish evolved or changed to what it is now, I'd recommend you read the article. It deals specifically with the language from a historical standpoint, while this one simply tries to explain the current situation of language. If you have more questions about the topic of Where to buy valium in ireland Polish language, or are interested in Polish, then you might check out: 1 Polska, Wikinkiej Polska i prawdzielce Polskich. And if you do not have anything else to read, then please consider reading this: 4. The Changing of Language Poland on Wikipedia.

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