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There's another question you might have, wonder if promethazine cough syrup can increase the risk of suicide. While suicide is low, the risk of accidental death or from overdose is significantly higher. Promethazine cough syrup is not suitable to people with mental illness or serious ongoing medical conditions. This is the case even Pharmacy online perth at very high doses.
Promethazine cough syrup should not be taken with alcohol or containing medicines.
Promethazine cough syrup should not be taken with other depressants, such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, or tranquilizers.
Promethazine cough syrup should not be taken if there is a history of drug abuse or dependence.
Promethazine cough syrup should not be taken with medications that slow breathing such as the inhaler or heart rhythm medicines such as sympathomimetics, calcium channel blockers, or beta blockers.
Promethazine cough syrup should not be taken if you have a cardiac condition such as:
Congralyed heart disease or a congenital defect (not known to be caused by the cough syrup)
Cardiac arrhythmia or a ventricular
Coronary artery disease, such as heart failure or a history of myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident
Heart valve disease, such as aneurysm
Any severe heart rhythm abnormalities such as ventricular fibrillation, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, or an abnormal heart beat
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The common side effects when using promethazine cough syrup include:
Acid and stomach pain
Nausea is not usually a serious side effect of promethazine cough syrup. Acne, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, should all be reported right away to your doctor.
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If you overdose on promethazine, call an ambulance immediately. If taking other prescription medicines, call the doctor if symptoms persist.
Do not share promethazine cough syrup with anyone else and do not use any other cough medicine if you have Best klonopin generic taken promethazine cough syrup before.
If the person who has swallowed cough medicine is not able to give you CPR, call 911 right away or go to emergency treatment.
If the person is known to have a life-threatening condition such as heart condition, a lung disease, rhythm condition (arrhythmia), or a chronic cough, call the doctor immediately. CPR may not work.
What are the causes of promethazine overdose?
The effects of promethazine can vary depending on dosage, mode of administr